Hire Me - A Professional Photographer in Coventry


Professional Photographer in Coventry

Enhance your Professional Photography

Hire a professional photographer in Coventry.

- Business products, services or property

- Corporate Headshots or Personal Portraits

- Corporate Photography Training for you or your employees


Capture the Essence of Your Brand with a

Professional Photographer in Coventry


I have been passionate about photography for over 20 years and a professional since 2012. I am a qualified photography tutor, and professional photographer and hold an Associate’s qualification with the British Institute of Professional Photographers (BIPP).

If you want a professional image, you should contact a professional photographer - We can take on commissions of all sizes and briefs.  Our rates are competitive and vary depending on the work undertaken and the campaign size.  

I can provide a full range of photography services and training to suit your needs. Or you might like to look at my other tuition events.


hire a photographer