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Remote cable shutter releases removes the risk of blurred and sometimes indecipherable shots. When taking photos that require a longer exposure than you can hold the camera perfectly still for you need to ensure the camera is on a tripod or solid support and avoid any camera movement that can easily be caused by pressing the shutter down.
This is why I recommend the shutter cable release. By half pressing on the button you can autofocus your camera, ready to take that all-important shot. There of course many variants of cable releases which can include timers, lights and audible signals. Personally given that I have lost, drowned and wrecked a few in my time I always opt for a simple cheap version and think of it merely as set of batteries that will have a limited life. So I always carry a spare in my camera bag too.
Each camera manufacturer has a different connection type so you just need to buy one that is compatible with your camera model.
You can purchase this from my amazon store, along with a number of other useful pieces of photography equipment.
The Pixel RC-201 shutter cable release is a welcomed addition to any photographer’s bag. Saving your shots from blur and allowing them to take centre stage in your portfolio.